If you would like to go on a day trip, come into Civic on a Monday morning between 9.30am – 12 noon and register for your chosen trip(s) at the Travel Desk, and pay a non-refundable deposit of £10 per trip. If you wish you can pay the full amount(s) on that day.
Altenatively you can Request a seat on a trip by Email or telephone,avoiding queueing on a Monday morning. BUTthis place will only be held for 2 weeks, during which time a deposit must be received by the travel team.
If a trip reaches its capacity then a waiting list will be kept, and members on that list will be informed if spaces become available.
If you wish to book for a holiday, you are asked to come into Civic on a Monday morning between 9.30am – 12noon and book your place at the Travel Desk by paying an initial deposit completing a booking form supplied by the company providing the holiday.
Day trips and holidays will be organised following current Government guidelines. In addition, each member has a duty of care to their fellow members. If anyone has not been fully vaccinated, we require that a negative lateral flow test is done in the 24 hours before departure. We will TRUST all members to abide by this.
If members wish to wear a mask on coaches then please do so. The Travel Team suggest that all members carry a mask with them on a day trip or holiday, in case visited venues, shops, cafes ask that masks should be worn on their premisies.