Indoor Bowling is a great game providing exercise, social contact and lots of fun. Indoor bowls is played on mats and the aim is to roll a set of 2 bowls from the hand toward a smaller target, which is a bowl known as a "jack". Rolling the bowl is known as the "delivery". When delivering a bowl the player must have a foot on the delivery mat. A game comprises of a number of ends. The aim of an end is for a player to finish with their own bowl to be closer to the jack than the opponent's. For each bowl that is closer than the opponent's the player scores 1 point. Each player has 2 bowls. When an end has been completed the players begin again at the opposite end of the mat. Approximately half way down the mat there is a wooden block placed to play around. The winner of an end decides the position of the jack for the next end, short, middle or long. Games are played as singles or doubles. The game runs until an allotted time is up and the winner (or winners if playing doubles) is the player with the most points