Bowling is a great game that provides us with exercise, social contact, comradeship & lots of fun in the fresh air. It also helps to boost your mental health. What more could you ask for? The aim of crown green bowls is to roll a set of two bowls from the hand towards a smaller target bowl known as the jack. Rolling the bowl or jack is known as the delivery. When delivering a bowl or jack, the player must place one foot on a mat to ensure that all bowls and jack are sent from the same spot. A full game comprises a number of ends. The aim of an end is for a player to finish with their own bowls closer to the jack than those of the opponent. For each bowl that is closer than those of the opponent, a player scores one point. Each player usually has two bowls allowing a maximum of two points on each end, in a singles game. The winner of the end delivers the jack in the next end. Games are played as singles or doubles i.e. 2 people or 4 people, the first player or team, in the case of a doubles, to accumulate 21 points wins the game. It can also be played on a number of ends or an allotted time basis. Competitive League Games are usually played between two players i.e. singles.